7/24/2006 – Day
One after Accident
You are sedated for pain; you are going to the operating room to fix your femur fracture later today.
Here is the rundown from head to toe what your injuries are:
Yesterday 7/23/3006 you were taken to the OR to have the lower legs realigned and splinted after cleaning and debridement.
Rev. Mike Ripski prayed over you before you want to the OR at 6pm to fix your femur. While you were n surgery Daniel, Thomas, Jonathan, Clarence, Adam Gregory, Dawn, Deb and Christy were sitting and waiting with your dad ad me for you to get our of surgery. They all hung out in the surgery waiting area until 11:45pm and then left. You were still in the OR when they left. Your dad and I waited until your back on the trauma unit, which was 12:30am, to come in and see you after the surgery. Your femur was fixed and they also put a pin in your left ankle. You looked very peaceful and comfortable and your color was good (not pale). You received a couple of units of blood (not unusual).
The next item to conquer is weaning you off of the vent then fixing your jaw. You also had a tube placed in your stomach, through your nose to start giving you nutrition to help you heal.