8/3/2006 Thursday 11 Days Past Accident

            So much for having 6 days of recovery and healing without procedures or surgery.  You pulled out your PEG tube this morning.  Your belly pain last night may have been your indicator that something wasn’t right and by pulling out the PEG was bringing it to the attention of the physicians.  They need to do something and explore more into what may be the problem.

            It may be that your PEG was leaking into your peritonea causing inflammation.  You were taken to surgery to take a look, possibly do a lavage (cleaning out) of the peritonea then placing a new PEG.  You are scheduled for 12 noon.  This is a setback but not anything you cannot overcome.  

            You got back to your room at approximately 5pm, breathing on your own (not on the ventilation), but again you were out of it (sedated) and with a fever.

Caleb Legs

8/3/2006 Thursday Day’s End Report

            The remainder of the evening and night were uneventful for you, thank goodness.  You had broken your fever by the end of the visiting hours 10pm.  You rested during the evening/night visitations yet your friends remained faithful and went in to be with you anyway. 

            Your heart rate most of the evening remained steady at 105-107 which is down from 125-135 and your breathing was slow and steady at 20-25 which was also down from 30-40.  You are keeping your oxygen saturation at 96-100% which is fabulous.  All of these numbers are post surgery today.

            You have a nasal gastric (NG) tube to help keep your stomach decompressed and be of aid if you were to get nauseated and vomit the NG would suck all that up without compromising you with your mouth wired shut.  I pray you continue through the night peacefully.