Larry Kedigh

Home: 615 673-6768
Brentwood High School: 615 472-4220
Brentwood Fax: 615 373-9886
Cell: 944 7310 (615)

Prevent Spam, use a javascript instead of a mailto link

Text email link example

Text email link code - copy and paste, change red to match your email address.

var m="mai";
var mm="lto:"
var userid="kedigh";
var d="kedigh";
var dd=".";
var ddd="com";
var x="@";
document.write('<a href=\"'+m+mm+userid+x+d+dd+ddd+'\">');
document.write('Email Larry Kedigh'+'</a>');

Email link with an image (above) - copy and paste, change red to match your email address. You will need to create a graphic and save it in the same place at the page with code below.

var m="mai";
var mm="lto:"
var userid="kedigh";
var d="kedigh";
var dd=".";
var ddd="com";
var x="@";
document.write('<a href=\"'+m+mm+userid+x+d+dd+ddd+'\">');
document.write('<img src=\"email-lk.gif\" border=\"0\">'+'</a>');