Baseball Simulation Software

TI99/4a The baseball program - something I wish to complete. I started writing this on a texas Intruments TI/99-4A computer. The program was saved to a cassette tape. As I learned BASIC (with line numbers) and wrote the program. I started one summer after teaching. Spent the whole summer working and learning only to reach an error - "Out of Memory" when I tried to run the program. I don't know how long I stared at that error! 64K of RAM and then you couldn't upgrade memory. It was OVER! I had help from two people (which I will acknowledge after I look them up) finding images of the game. I only had a few pieces of the game.


I started playing this game dice game when I was around 9 years old. Here is how the game is played on paper.

1. Dices are rolled (2) and the result is located on this chart.













You have one of four possible outcomes - Walk, Overs, Corners, and StrikeOut.

A walk is a walk, Strike out a strike out, but Overs and Corners have their own charts.

Overs Chart














The 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, ..., are Batter ratings.

How rating are currently evaluated.

Player stats are copied from into an Excel spreadsheet I created. The spreadsheet is a work in progress. Here is 1967 mlb season.

baseball reference











The spreadsheet calculates the ratings at this time by doing the following.

The letters A, B, or C. - Power Ratings

A - more than 25 Home Runs.
B - 25 or less Home Runs with a SLG above .415.
C - All others not rated as an A or B.

The number 1-7 is based on batting average.

1 - .330 and above.
2 - .310 to 329.
3 - as indicated below.

Rating limits variable
1 0.330 batLimit1
2 0.310 batLimit2
3 0.290 batLimit3
4 0.240 batLimit4
5 0.200 batLimit5
6 0.150 batLimit6
7 0.000 batLimit7

Pitcher Rating

era limits
below 2.5 eralimit1 rating 29-26
2.49-3.30 3.3 eralimit2 25-22
3.29-4.30 4.3 eralimit3 21-18
4.29-6.0 6 eralimit4 17-14
above 6.0 13-10

Even numbers are left handed pitcher ratings, odd are rightys. If the pitcher

In the group of 4 Pitching Rating, the first two (29 and 28, 21 and 20, 17 and 16, 13 and 12) are power pitchers. Power pitchers are pitchers that average 7 or more strike outs per game.










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